Relationship difficulties
Relationships can provide one of the most amazing feelings in the world, however when things seem to be going wrong it can cause a large amount of upset and pain often leading onto other issues such as depression or an addiction.
From time to time people may feel they need assistance to help to deal with problems or difficulties, learn how to form or improve existing relationships, cope when a relationship has broken down and sometimes to help to change where there has been violence or abuse within the relationship.
Every relationship and couple has it's ups and downs and there is conflict in every single relationship, being able to handle and deal with conflict in a productive manor is essential.

Couples counselling / Marriage Guidance
When people in relationships are able to talk about their differences they are able to become a stronger unit, working closer together which benefits both parties and when new conflicts arise they know how best to deal with the situation.
Many couples come to Wokingham Psychology to help them to work through their issues together, discussing how each other feels about their partner and also about the situation it is also part of the process to look at what each person is prepared to do to make the relationship work.
For many, though, they come to couples counselling after the break down of an important relationship. Some people find they have a lot of anger, unanswered questions or do not know how to move on. Some also feel that they cannot trust another person which makes them feel very alone and scared of the future.
Wokingham Psychology has access to many different specialists including relationship therapists who deal with all different aspects of relationships to help people get their loves back on track. We will ensure that you are seen by the most appropriate person to help with your unique situation.
Call us for confidential advice.