Psychosis and Schizophrenia
Psychosis is used to describe a group of conditions that affect the way someone thinks, feels and understands. A person may experience unusual and upsetting perceptions including hallucinations or delusions. These perceptions may also be accompanied by a reduced ability to cope with normal day to day functions. Some one who has these unusual experiences can be described as having an episode of psychosis.
Psychosis is quite common with approximately four out of every hundred people will experience an episode during their life, with most people making a full recovery.
Psychosis can affect:
Understanding and interpreting reality
Changes in the thinking processes, logical progression of thoughts and ideas. For example believing you are being followed
Feelings of sadness, anxiety, depression and detachment
Changes in ones self and identity. For example feeling that you are not yourself
Feeling that you are not in control of own thoughts and actions
Movement and coordination
Involuntary body movement
Reasons for psychosis
A psychotic episode is thought to be a behavioural manifestation of chemical imbalance in the brain, this can be contributed to by a number of different reasons including:
Traumatic experiences
Sleep deprivation
The first step to recovery is to seek medical advice and arrange for an initial assessment with a Consultant Psychiatrist who specialises in psychosis. They would diagnose the illness and prepare the most appropriate treatment plan for the patient which would often include medication and talking therapies. Many sufferers feel they need to be in a safe trusting environment, at Wokingham Psychology we can arrange an admission to the one of the private Psychiatric Hospitals in London if this is felt necessary in order to help wioth recovery in a therapeutic and safe environment.