A phobia is an excessive fear of anything, from a fear of birds to a fear of crowds. Phobias often start in early childhood and there is often a reason for where the fear started but also as often there is no rational reason which can make it harder to understand or to ask for help.
If someone encounters their phobia they can often seem what could be likened to as a panic attack with symptoms including:
Chest pains
Shortness of breath
Tightness of chest
Heart palpitations
Feeling of being out of control
Feeling of embarrassment
Feeling of passing out
The majority of sufferers will try their best to avoid their phobia. This can be much easier for some than others. For example it is easier to avoid going to places with snakes but very difficult to avoid dogs.
Examples of Phobias:
Phobias can be of anything, including animals, places, objects, foods and more. The more common phobias include:
Vomit phobia
Spider phobia
Needle or injection phobia
Flying phobia
Swallowing tablets phobia